Light at the end of the Tunnel.
Looking to make bigger and better photos of “Bendalight Art”. You can be one of the first to own one of these one of a kind photos,

With your help, I believe I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel.
Hello, my name is Fred and I need your help. I’m an amiture photographer looking for better results.
The name of my project is “Light at the end of the Tunnel”, and this is “Bendalight Art”. They are not computer generated and no two are ever exactly the same. My hobbies are inventing, making things, and if possible producing an interesting video to post on YouTube. You can view them if you like under the name HydroFred.

Well, a couple of those videos got me really interested in photography. The video Light Fighting is a series of photos taken of long exposure to lights and then put to music. Over a thousand photos went into making that video. I wasn’t concerned with the quality of the photos at the time, I just needed a lot to match up with the beat of the music. After making that video I noticed that some of the photos looked pretty good. So, I decided to have a few of them printed up. They looked great, but I knew that I could do much better, and I really wanted them to be much larger.

After researching the problem and trying many different methods I soon realized that it all came down to one thing. I was exceeding the limits of my equipment. There was just no way I was going to get the results I was looking for with the equipment I was currently using. So, I started shopping around for a proper camera that would give me the those results. Wow, talk about sticker shock. The 50 Mega-pixel and higher camera’s just blew me away. The next best thing I found was a 36 Mega-pixel Nikon, but even that was out of my reach. The dream had just about died for me at that point. And, so I just went on with life making dumb videos for YouTube. Until one day I heard about KickStarter. What? You mean to tell me that other people would be interested enough in what I’m doing to help. Then I saw all the other people KickStarter was helping and had already helped. So I thought, why not, it’s worth a try. Maybe my dream could come true.
I have a lot of good ideas for more of the Bendalight Arts, but was a little hesitant in going any further because of my somewhat limited equipment. So, here I am hoping that with your help my dreams can come true and I could share with the world all I have to offer.

(The images created in this project will only be available to Kickstarter backers and will not be offered to the general public. Making them limited editions).
Rewards will be made on demand and you can choose from a wide range of products that will have the Bendalight art on them.
The money’s will be split in half, with half the money going to pay for the cost of the rewards and the other half will be used for equipment.
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