DVD educational video – How to build your own cnc router
by Sam Faix
A DVD educational video detailing step by step the construction of a DIY CNC router.
DVD Educational Video – How to build a Computer Controlled Router
This project will be the production of a DVD video detailing the construction of a DIY open source cnc router. All steps of the construction will be documented and explained, including material sourcing, fabrication, assembly, and hardware/software configuration. Final CAD design drawings of the cnc system will be open source.
Drought in the central Texas area has devastated the trees in the area, killing more than 500 million trees state wide. We have partnered with a tree removal company which has now given us access to a huge amount of timber resources that would be destroyed otherwise. A cnc router prototype has been constructed and a new design has been created – one specific to the use of rough cut wood slabs. This new design will allow for massive wood slabs to be loaded via forklift, and easily secured for machining. The cnc router will be capable of cutting intricate relief carvings, joints, and curves.
The unique feature of this cnc router design compared to others is the table top. It will be made from evenly spaced 2×4′s mounted to a slotted iron frame. The 2×4′s will provide an ideal securing surface for rough wood slabs, and allow material to be loaded via forklift.
Funding of the project will cover the cost of 4 industrial stepper motors, stainless steel rails and ball screw drives, power supply, 4 axis cnc controller, basic pc, 3KW water cooled spindle, variable frequency drive, and structural iron material.
The final open source CNC design and implementation details will be freely redistributed online in order to accelerate the innovation of the technology. Any pledge of $25 or more will receive a video of the construction of the CNC machine as well as the final CAD design plans – everything necessary to build your own CNC machine. We have no goal of mass producing the CNC machine at this time, only the production of the DVD and the construction of the unit. This will be an interim step to a possible mass production design.
We are overworked and underfunded. Every pledge will help. Thank you for joining us in this project which is sure to be an adventure in engineering and art!
The DVD will be shipped internationally at no extra charge!

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